We offer cutting edge digital fingerprinting services for the fastest and most reliable results.

Canadian Fingerprinting Services is an RCMP accredited agency that specializes in processing ink and roll fingerprints from international locations. Our process involves the conversion of ink prints into digital prints and submitting them to RCMP digitally. In Canada, if the individual doesn’t have any convictions, or has not been fingerprinted for any criminal reason, he or she may receive the result in 5 to 7 business days. Usually, it may take up to 120 days in case of any convictions or fingerprints in the criminal database.
Our team takes pride in offering quality services and reliable results. We have helped thousands of customers living abroad including Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, Turkey, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Israel, Egypt, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Morocco, Madagascar, Spain, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Algeria, Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Britain, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavian Countries, US, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador, Chile, South Korea, Middle East and Asia to get their criminal background check done.
If you have any questions related to our services, please feel free to reach out to us. Our team will make sure to explain the whole process thoroughly and have your back till you get the final result.